

Industrias QuantiK is a technology-based family business created 30 years ago with the purpose of promoting Research, Technological Development and Innovation in the coffee sector, with a clear trend towards coffee farming 4.0. In this route, it designs and manufactures solutions technologies for quality assurance and the generation of added value in coffee, with a focus on specialty segments.

Through its School (Kaldivia) specialized in Coffee Roasting, we offer a rigorous training program based on science and knowledge of the Coffee Industry, which enhances the skills and abilities of beginner and experienced roasters, until they become Master Roasters of the QuantiK brand.



The course is developed combining the methodology of our School and the protocols of the Specialty Coffee Association – SCA, in a harmonious way between theory and practice.

Duration. 3 days. Sessions are held from 8:00 a.m. at 1:00 p.m. with an hour of rest for lunch, returning from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m.


Modality. Presence.


Investment. $900.000 COP +IVA, regular price. Completely free of charge for its clients Industrias Quantik, with two quotas, and for additional quotas the cost is of $900.000 COP +IVA.

The payment details are:


  • Banco de Bogotá – Savings account
  • # 526 176 045
  • Kaldivia Coffee Growers SAS 
  • Nit: 900.683.783-3
  • Credit and debit card payments are allowed



This level of the program includes:

  1. Certification as a Quantik Master Roaster (advanced level).
  2. Food and refreshments during the 3 days of participation.
  3. Lodging at Finca La Coralia (2 nights). Location is sent by WhatsApp and additional assistance is provided if required.
  4. Study material.



  • A tasting spoon.
  • A cap (for outdoor sessions).
  • 5 kilograms of green coffee free of defects.

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